A Note from Pastor Phil

God has burdened my heart to call you and me to seek God’s face in these challenging times. As we pursue continued pastoral leadership and divine provision for this ministry, it is no time to wring our hands as though God does not care. 

God is our refuge at all times. He has told us to seek His face by drawing nigh to Him and He will draw nigh to us (James 4:8). So we are challenging you to join us in corporate prayer, private prayer, and meeting with others to pray for revival, renewal, direction, and the help of God.

When we have gone to the throne of God in prayer as a whole congregation, we have seen God provide, sustain, and bless. We are just as dependent on God’s help as the day we began.

James 4 says we do not have because we have not asked. He further qualifies our lack of prayer answers by saying when you prayed it was for yourself and not for the glory of God. Let us seek first God’s interests which seem to be His glory or fame and the desperate condition of people without Jesus Christ. 

Others have testified that prayer accompanied with fasting or any sacrifice of themselves has brought great reward. God has given His Word that if we “diligently seek the Lord He will reward us” (Hebrews 11:6).

I look forward with anticipation to see what God is going to do in our personal lives as well as the life and ministry of this church. By the way, do not forget the twelve missionary families and individuals who are taking Jesus Christ to other parts of our world.

Welcome to FAST TO FEAST, 21 days of fasting and prayer to draw closer to God.

I plan to meet you at the throne of grace,

Jude 24


Prayers and Answers

Let us know how God has answered your prayers as you seek Him first through fasting and prayer!

Join us for these Prayer Nights!

Sunday, August 11

Wednesday, August 21

Childcare provided for infants through Kindergarten on a first-come, first-served basis.