The primary purpose of the First Impressions Team (Hospitality) is to help provide a friendly, secure and comfortable atmosphere so that those attending Valley can focus on the message of Jesus Christ presented to them by the pastors and worship team and allow them to enthusiastically worship God.
First impressions are very important and the experiences that our guest (and members) have from the moment they arrive on our campus until they begin their worship experience and hear the pastor's message play a big part in their readiness for worship and ultimately how receptive they may be to the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ.
To receive and direct attendees in the Worship Center to a seat or seats of their choice so they could hear the worship and word in a comfortable enviroment. Ushers are ready to take questions and give answers whenever possible.
They stand at the entrances of the Worship Center and the Family Life Center to greet people as they arrive for worship as well as taking their children to class or event or other all-church activity.
This team is discreetly in place to maintain a safe and secure enviroment for those who come to worship and those who are involved in serving in the various church ministries.
Coffee Cart/Suite
They provide a comfortable atmosphere for guest and members to interact socially and assist in the process of bringing people to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. They also provide in uplifting people as they prepare to worship.
Parking Lot Greeter and Welcome Team
Greet people with a friendly wave and a smile as they drive onto our property on Sunday mornings for 9am and 11am services. Assist visitors by displaying the sign that instructs people who are First Time Guests to flash their lights. Direct them to Guest Parking spaces. Assist in directing traffic flow and parking on Sunday mornings and for special events at Valley Bible Church.
Medical Response Team
If you are a registered nurse, firefighter, paramedic, or medical doctor we’d like to enlist you to serve on this important team. Be available to assist with a medical incident or emergency to provide triage and first aid. While these incidents do not occur often, we want to be prepared and ready to respond.
Ernie Sanchez
First Impressions Team Director
[email protected]
First Impressions Team Director
Ernie Sanchez
Ushers and Greeters
Ernie Sanchez
Robert Lendway
Coffee Cart/Suite
Tom White
Medical Response Team
Rebecca Webster
Myrna Smith