sermons on CD
Thank you for visiting our online resource center! We offer a variety of Sermon Series preached by Dr. Phillip A. Howard, Founder & Pastor Emeritus. If you have any questions, we have done our best to answer them on our CUSTOMER SERVICE page. To purchase items, choose an item(s) below, enter the quantity, and click "Add to Basket". If you'd like to order a series on CD and you do not see it listed, please contact the church office at (510) 799-3171. |
Diagnosis and Cure for the Human Race Set 1 (5-Part CD Series)
Diagnosis & Cure for the Human Race Set 1
Man's Need of Divine Righteousness
5-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: There Is a Remedy for the Patient
Part 2: What Is the Bad News? God Is Angry with Sinners (Pastor Ted Montoya)
Part 3: God Is Going to Judge the Judgemental
Part 4: God Is Angry with the Religious and Self-Righteous
Part 5: Fourteen Counts of Guilty
Diagnosis and Cure for the Human Race Set 2 (3-Part CD Series)
Diagnosis and Cure for the Human Race Set 2
How Can a Sinner Ever Be Right with God?
3-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: How Can a Sinner Ever Be Right with God? Pt.1
Part 2: How Can a Sinner Ever Be Right with God? Pt.2
Part 3: How Can a Sinner Ever Be Right with God? Pt.3
Diagnosis and Cure for the Human Race Set 3 (4-Part CD Series)
Diagnosis and Cure for the Human Race Set 3
The Results of Justification
4-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Why the Justified Have Peace with God
Part 2: Experiencing the Love of God
Part 3: The Promise of Redemption from Divine Wrath
Part 4: Who Represents You?
Diagnosis and Cure for the Human Race Set 4 (4-Part CD Series)
Diagnosis and Cure for the Human Race (Set 4)
Life of the Righteous
PART 1: The Grime, Grace, and Glory of the Gospel (Pastor Ted Montoya)
PART 2: We Are Free to Choose Whom We Serve
PART 3: Free From the Law - Oh Happy Condition!
PART 4: The Battle of Living Under Law
Diagnosis and Cure for the Human Race Set 5 (7-part CD series)
Diagnosis & Cure for the Human Race Set 5
Life in the Spirit
7-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Life in the Spirit
Part 2: Life in the Spirit: From a Slave to a Son
Part 3: The Groans that Precede Glory
Part 4: Christ-like Maturity
Part 5: Forever Linked to God
Part 6: Can a True Believer Ever Be Lost, Part 1
Part 7: Can a True Believer Ever Be Lost, Part 2
Diagnosis and Cure for the Human Race Set 6 (7-part CD series)
Diagnosis & Cure for the Human Race Set 6
Israel's Past, Present, and Future
7-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: What the Potter Can Do With the Clay, Part 1
Part 2: What the Potter Can Do With the Clay, Part 2
Part 3: Missing God's Methods of Righteousness
Part 4: How Easy God Made It to Go to Heaven
Part 5: A Message Shared — A Message Spurned
Part 6: What in the World Is God Going to Do with Israel? Part 1
Part 7: What in the World Is God Going to Do with Israel? Part 2
Diagnosis and Cure for the Human Race Set 7 (8-part CD series)
Diagnosis & Cure for the Human Race Set 7
Living Sacrifice — Serving One Another
8-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Mercy Deserves a Sacrifice
Part 2: Are You Thinking Right About Yourself?
Part 3: God Has Gifted You to Do What?
Part 4: Spiritual Gifts and You
Part 5: How the People of Mercy Are to Live, Part 1
Part 6: How the People of Mercy Are to Live, Part 2
Part 7: Be Devoted to Prayer
Part 8: How to Treat People Who Don't Life You
Diagnosis and Cure for the Human Race Set 8 (9-part CD series)
Diagnosis & Cure for the Human Race Set 8
9-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Submitting to God — Appointed Authority
Part 2: Love and Clothe Yourself with Christ
Part 3: Mutual Toleration
Part 4: Living in the Gray
Part 5: How You Can Be Accepted by God
Part 6: Principles of Church Growth, Part 1
Part 7: Principles of Church Growth, Part 2
Part 8: People Who Make a Difference
Part 9: How the Gospel Establishes You
Divine Conditions for Revival Series (6-Part CD Series)

Divine Conditions for Revival
6-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: How to Get God’s Attention
Part 2: Humble Ourselves Under God
Part 3: Pray & Seek the Face of God
Part 4: Turning from Your Wicked Ways – Repent
Part 5: If My People Will Pray
Part 6: Divine Steps to Renewal
Join with us in discovering the conditions God gave us for getting His help. God’s people are in danger of cooling off in our spiritual lives and cry for renewal. Here are ways to re-kindle the fire in your heart for God.
Don't Waste Your Life (5-Part Series) (CD or mp3 format)

Don't Waste Your Life
Your Greatest Investment Is to Live for Christ
5-Part Sermon Series (CD or mp3 format)
Part 1: Don't Waste Your Life
Part 2: Risk Your Life for Him
Part 3: Worship Him - Affections for Christ
Part 4: Worship Him - What is Worship?
Part 5: Glorify God
Trivial pursuit is the legacy of many a life. This series calls for counting for eternal rewards. God has given us life that we might live to the glory of God: don’t waste your life.
God's Design for Life Set 1 (4-part CD series)

Ephesians: God's Design for Life Set 1
Who Are You?
4-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Who Are You? (1)
Part 2: Who Are You? (2)
Part 3: Who Are You? (3)
Part 4: Three Things You Must Know
Ephesians shows the believer who they are in Christ and how they are to live out Christ in this world. Ephesians is the divine description of how much He loves His children and an overwhelming expression of what we mean to God the Father. Not everyone loves us like God so the epistle also tells us how to stand against our Enemy, Satan. Everything from the home to overcoming Satan is packaged in this marvelous letter.
God's Design for Life Set 2 (4-part CD series)

Ephesians: God's Design for Life Set 2
Grace Alone
4-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Before You Became Who You Are
Part 2: Grace Alone
Part 3: Saved Unto Works
Part 4: From Rags to Riches
Ephesians shows the believer who they are in Christ and how they are to live out Christ in this world. Ephesians is the divine description of how much He loves His children and an overwhelming expression of what we mean to God the Father. Not everyone loves us like God so the epistle also tells us how to stand against our Enemy, Satan. Everything from the home to overcoming Satan is packaged in this marvelous letter.
God's Design for Life Set 3 (2-part CD series)

Ephesians: God's Design for Life Set 3
The Mystery
2-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: A Mystery to Be Understood
Part 2: What You Can Have If You'll Trust
Ephesians shows the believer who they are in Christ and how they are to live out Christ in this world. Ephesians is the divine description of how much He loves His children and an overwhelming expression of what we mean to God the Father. Not everyone loves us like God so the epistle also tells us how to stand against our Enemy, Satan. Everything from the home to overcoming Satan is packaged in this marvelous letter.
God's Design for Life Set 4 (4-part CD series)

Ephesians: God's Design for Life Set 4
Goals for the Saints
4-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: People of Unity in a World of Conflict
Part 2: God’s Goals for the Saints (1)
Part 3: God’s Goals for the Saints (2)
Part 4: Christ’s Goals for His Church
Ephesians shows the believer who they are in Christ and how they are to live out Christ in this world. Ephesians is the divine description of how much He loves His children and an overwhelming expression of what we mean to God the Father. Not everyone loves us like God so the epistle also tells us how to stand against our Enemy, Satan. Everything from the home to overcoming Satan is packaged in this marvelous letter.
God's Design for Life Set 5 (5-part CD series)

Ephesians: God's Design for Life Set 5
Ethics of the New Life
5-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Act like Who You Are
Part 2: The Ethics of the New Life
Part 3: In Your Anger, Do Not Sin
Part 4: May Your Speech Build Up
Part 5: Grieve Not; Dump Garbage; Be Sweet
Ephesians shows the believer who they are in Christ and how they are to live out Christ in this world. Ephesians is the divine description of how much He loves His children and an overwhelming expression of what we mean to God the Father. Not everyone loves us like God so the epistle also tells us how to stand against our Enemy, Satan. Everything from the home to overcoming Satan is packaged in this marvelous letter.
God's Design for Life Set 6 (4-part CD series)

Ephesians: God's Design for Life Set 6
Characteristics of the Child of Light
4-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Become Imitators of God
Part 2: Do Not Imitatie Darkness
Part 3: Chracteristics of the Child of Light
Part 4: Living Well in an Evil World
Ephesians shows the believer who they are in Christ and how they are to live out Christ in this world. Ephesians is the divine description of how much He loves His children and an overwhelming expression of what we mean to God the Father. Not everyone loves us like God so the epistle also tells us how to stand against our Enemy, Satan. Everything from the home to overcoming Satan is packaged in this marvelous letter.
Ephesians: God's Design for Life Set 7 (2-part CD series)

Ephesians: God's Design for Life Set 7
2-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Necessity of Being Filled With the Spirit
Part 2: Consequences of Spirit-Filling
Ephesians shows the believer who they are in Christ and how they are to live out Christ in this world. Ephesians is the divine description of how much He loves His children and an overwhelming expression of what we mean to God the Father. Not everyone loves us like God so the epistle also tells us how to stand against our Enemy, Satan. Everything from the home to overcoming Satan is packaged in this marvelous letter.
Ephesians: God's Design for Life Set 8 (5-part CD series)

Ephesians: God's Design for Life Set 8
Spirit-Controlled Relations
5-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Role of the Spirit-Filled Wife
Part 2: How Christ Treats His Bride
Part 3: Husbands, Love Your Wife as Christ Loved the Church
Part 4: Spirit-Filled Home--Children and Parents
Part 5: Living With Christ as Master
Ephesians shows the believer who they are in Christ and how they are to live out Christ in this world. Ephesians is the divine description of how much He loves His children and an overwhelming expression of what we mean to God the Father. Not everyone loves us like God so the epistle also tells us how to stand against our Enemy, Satan. Everything from the home to overcoming Satan is packaged in this marvelous letter.
Ephesians: God's Design for Life Set 9 (4-part CD series + Bonus CD)

Ephesians: God's Design for Life Set 9
God's Provision for an Evil Day
4-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Meet Your Adversary the Devil
Part 2: God’s Provision for an Evil Day
Part 3: God’s Armor for an Evil Day
Part 4: The Place of Prayer in the Evil Day
Ephesians shows the believer who they are in Christ and how they are to live out Christ in this world. Ephesians is the divine description of how much He loves His children and an overwhelming expression of what we mean to God the Father. Not everyone loves us like God so the epistle also tells us how to stand against our Enemy, Satan. Everything from the home to overcoming Satan is packaged in this marvelous letter.
Finding Pleasure in God (5-part CD series)

Finding Pleasure in God
5-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Finding Pleasure in God—Duty or Delight?
Part 2: The True Affections of Those Who Know God
Part 3: A Closer Look at the Affections—Love
Part 4: A Closer Look at the Affections—Joy
Part 5: What to Do When You Have Lost Your Affections for God
The Gospel Brings Freedom Vol 1 (CD Series Parts 1-9)

Galatians: The Gospel Brings Freedom VOL 1
9-Part Sermon Series (CD or mp3 format)
Part 1: The Gospel Under Siege
Part 2: The Origin of Our Gospel
Part 3: Gospel Freedom Must Not Be Compromised
Part 4: What It Means to Be “Crucified with Christ”
Part 5: How Is One Saved?
Part 6: Why Did God Give the Law if It Cannot Save Us?
Part 7: Believers in Christ Are Sons and Not Slaves
Part 8: Giving Up Christ for Religion Is Costly
Part 9: Law & Grace Are Unable to Live in the Same House
What is the Gospel? Is faith in Jesus Christ enough or must one do more to secure their eternal salvation? If Christ is not enough, what is enough?
Questions such as these are being answered in one of the “hottest” letters from the burning heart of the Apostle Paul. Christ alone through faith alone is stated over and over.
Once the believer knows the basis of being right before God (justification by faith alone), he still needs to know how to live right. Christianity operates on divine power and not human rules. Come and rejoice in the Freedom the Gospel brings.
The Gospel Brings Freedom Vol 2 (CD Series Parts 10-18)

Galatians: The Gospel Brings Freedom VOL 2
9-Part Sermon Series (CD or mp3 format)
Part 10: The Only Thing That Counts
Part 11: Love Always Finds a Way to Serve
Part 12: What It Means to Walk in the Spirit
Part 13: Where the Spirit Will Never Lead You
Part 14: Where the Spirit Always Leads
Part 15: How Spiritual People Treat One Another
Part 16: How to Invest Your Life
Part 17: Our Only Boast—The Cross of Christ
Part 18: The Marks of a Marked Man
What is the Gospel? Is faith in Jesus Christ enough or must one do more to secure their eternal salvation? If Christ is not enough, what is enough?
Questions such as these are being answered in one of the “hottest” letters from the burning heart of the Apostle Paul. Christ alone through faith alone is stated over and over.
Once the believer knows the basis of being right before God (justification by faith alone), he still needs to know how to live right. Christianity operates on divine power and not human rules.
Come and rejoice in the Freedom the Gospel brings.
The Greatest Stories Ever Told Set 1

The Greatest Stories Ever Told
Parables in the Book of Luke Set 1
6-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Two Debtors
Part 2: Sower and Soils
Part 3: Good Samaritan
Part 4: A Friend at Midnight
Part 5: Rich Fool
Part 6: A Feast and Excuses
The Greatest Stories Ever Told Set 2

The Greatest Stories Ever Told
Parables in the Book of Luke Set 2
6-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: The Father and Two Sons
Part 2: The Shrewd Use of Money
Part 3: A Rich Man and a Poor Man in Eternity
Part 4: Persistence in Prayer
Part 5: Two Men at Prayer
Part 6: Buried Talents (Dr. Rich Rollins)
Some of the richest truths of all scripture are taught by the parables of Jesus Christ. Often the message of grace, forgiveness, and the offer of God’s mercy are conveyed in these parables. You’ll never forget the stories once God burns them into your heart.
Guess Who's Coming: Are You Ready or Not? (4-Part CD Series)

Guess Who's Coming: Are You Ready or Not?
Studies in Second Thessalonians
4-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: The Second Coming of Christ
Part 2: The Coming of Antichrist
Part 3: The Chosen of Christ
Part 4: The Conduct of the Christian
Second Thessalonians deals with the future coming of Jesus Christ and the coming of one known as “the Antichrist" or "the Man of Sin". Christian or not one will face Christ in the future and hopefully not serve an antichrist.
How Can Good Things Happen to Bad People? (6-Part CD Series)

How Can Good Things Happen to Bad People?
6-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Grace
Part 2: Costly Grace
Part 3: Why God Can Keep Blessing His Stumbling Saints (1-6 of 12 Reasons)
Part 4: Why God Can Keep Blessing His Stumbling Saints (7-12 of 12 Reasons)
Part 5: The Testimony of a Forgiven Man
Part 6: The Unexpected Mercy of God
One of the great tensions in philosophy is the presence and explanation of evil. How can a good God allow evil? Yet another issue as great or greater than evil is how God can be good to bad people. We seek to show how God has chosen to be good to those who do not deserve His kindness.
It's Time To Grow Up! (5-part CD series)
It's Time To Grow Up!
5-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Doers or Deluded?
Part 2: When Will You Start Acting Your Age?
Part 3: Godly Character Is a Joint Effort
Part 4: Practical Words for Perilous Times
Part 5: What a Grown Up Church Looks Like
Jesus Christ: The Revealer of God (3-Part CD Series)

Jesus Christ: The Revealer of God
3-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Who Came to Bethlehem?
Part 2: Who Do You Say Jesus Christ Is?
Part 3: And the Word Became Flesh
Life Forever In Jesus Christ Set 1 (6-part CD series)
Life Forever In Jesus Christ Set 1
Can a True Believer Ever Be Lost?
6-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Jesus, Our Good Shepherd
Part 2: Can a True Believer Ever Be Lost? Part 1
Part 3: Can a True Believer Ever Be Lost? Part 2
Part 4: Can a True Believer Ever Be Lost? Part 3
Part 5: Can a True Believer Ever Be Lost? Part 4
Part 6: Any Excuse Will Do
Life Forever In Jesus Christ Set 2 (4-part CD series)
Life Forever In Jesus Christ Set 2
Our High Priest Prays For Us
4-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Listening to Jesus Christ Pray
Part 2: Christ Prays That His Own Will Be Protected
Part 3: Christ Prays, "Father, Sanctify Them in the Truth"
Part 4: Christ Prays That We May Be One
Life Forever In Jesus Christ Set 3 (4-part CD series)
Life Forever In Jesus Christ Set 3
The Epilogue
4-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Would You Recognize the Risen Savior?
Part 2: Four Great Things a Risen Savior Shares With Us
Part 3: What Will It Take For You To Believe?
Part 4: Do You Love Jesus Christ?
Life Forever In Jesus Christ Set 4 (5-part CD series)
Life Forever In Jesus Christ Set 4
Help Is On The Way
5-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Help Is on the Way
Part 2: The Help Has Come
Part 3: The Holy Spirit's Filling Ministry
Part 4: The Consequences or Results of Spirit-Filling, Part 1
Part 5: The Consequences or Results of Spirit-Filling, Part 2
Living the Christian Life as God Intended

Living the Christian Life as God Intended
10-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: The Christian Life Begins with Divine Acceptance
Part 2: The Privileges That Come with Divine Acceptance
Part 3: Christians Have a Changed Identity
Part 4: Christians Are United to Christ Forever
Part 5: Christianity Functions from Without Not from Within
Part 6: Saved But Struggling
Part 7: Divine Deliverance for God's Children Part 1
Part 8: Divine Deliverance for God's Children Part 2
Part 9: The Ministry of the Spirit to the Groaning Christian
Part 10: Linked to God Forever
This is a focused study on the Christian life as emphasized in the Book of Romans. Selected themes as it pertains to enjoying God as He intended will be taught.
Living with Hope

Living with Hope
Studies in First Thessalonians
10-Part Sermon Series (CD or mp3 format)
Part 1: How You Can Know You Have Been Chosen
Part 2: Motives and Manner of God's Servant Part 1
Part 3: Motives and Manner of God's Servant Part 2
Part 4: The Effects of Hearing Good About the Saints Part 1 (Dr. Rich Rollins)
Part 5: The Effects of Hearing Good About the Saints Part 2 (Dr. Rich Rollins)
Part 6: God's Design for Holiness and Purity (Pastor David Hurtado)
Part 7: Hope in the Face of Death (Pastor David Hurtado)
Part 8: The Day of God's Wrath and Believers
Part 9: Final Instructions Part 1 - How to Treat People - Leaders & Others
Part 10: Final Instructions Part 2 - Divine Imperatives for the Christian Life
Studies in First Thessalonians: Come with us to discover verse by verse the Christian’s hope now and in the future.
Lord Teach Us to Pray
Lord Teach Us to Pray
4-Part Sermon Series (CD or mp3 format)
Part 1: The Privileges and Power of Prayer
Part 2: We Need Someone to Teach Us to Pray Part 1
Part 3: We Need Someone to Teach Us to Pray Part 2
Part 4: What You Can Expect from Prayer
Believer’s struggle with prayer as did the disciples of Jesus Christ. Who is better at teaching us how to pray than Jesus? These studies have enriched many. Enrich your prayer life with these studies.
A Nation in Moral Crisis (4-part CD series)
A Nation In Moral Crisis
4-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: The Gospel: The Cure
Part 2: As the Heart Goes So Goes the Home
Part 3: Who Is Running Your Home?
Part 4: Healing the Broken Family
The Passion Collection (5-part CD series)
The Passion Collection
5-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: Gethsemane: The Most Critical Prayer Time In History
Part 2: Jesus On Trial
Part 3: Crucifixion: The Curse Of God
Part 4: The Resurrection Of Christ Changes Everything
Part 5: The Accomplishments Of the Cross
What in the World Is Going to Happen?

What in the World Is Going to Happen?
Prophecy Series
9-Part Sermon Series (CD or mp3 format)
Part 1: The Great Expectation
Part 2: The Great Investigation
Part 3: The Greatest Human Deceiver
Part 4: The Great Tribulation
Part 5: The Destruction of Russia
Part 6: Armageddon and the Return of Christ
Part 7: What is the Future of the Dead?
Part 8: The Eternal Verdict of the Lost
Part 9: The End of Creation and the Beginning of Eternity
World events are changing so quickly that one often wonders what’s next. God has given His Word about what is in store for the believer and the world in the future. To be unsure of the future is live with fear. See for yourself what is certain about the future from God’s viewpoint.
What in the World Is Going to Happen? Series Notes

What in the World Is Going to Happen?
Prophecy Series
What in the World Is Going to Happen? (Paperback book)
NEW!! What in the World Is Going to Happen?
Prophecy Series (Paperback Book)
What the Bible Says About God's Money in Your Pocket

What the Bible Says About God's Money in Your Pocket
4-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: What the Bible Says About God's Money in Your Pocket
Part 2: Why You Can't Get Ahead
Part 3: God's Encouragement to Be a Giver
Part 4: Why God Loves a Cheerful Giver
Learn how to manage God’s resources. God is the source of our health and wealth. His gifts are to be used as He has directed us. You’ll be amazed at God’s economic counsel.
What to Do When You're in Trouble

What to Do When You're in Trouble
5-Part Sermon Series (CD or mp3 format)
Part 1: The Testimony of a Man in Trouble
Part 2: Troubles Make Us Feel Stupid
Part 3: How to Get Out of the Trouble You Caused
Part 4: How Sin Sets Us Up for Trouble
Part 5: How to Help People in Trouble
This series is taken from selected Psalms that deal with the troubles of life. To be human is to experience various troubles in life or to know people in trouble. God’s Word will comfort and guide us to rest and relief with trouble.
When Bad Things Happen to Good People (6-Part CD Series)

When Bad Things Happen to Good People
6-Part CD Sermon Series
Part 1: How Good People Became Bad
Part 2: Why a Blameless Man Went Through So Much Bad
Part 3: When Dreams Become Nightmares
Part 4: Grace Bestowal or Thorn Removal
Part 5: The Pain of Being a Son
Part 6: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina
Theonomy is a philosophical term describing the conflict between evil and good. How can a good God allow evil? This series will give divine perspective on various aspects of evil and why God permits evil and how He can work it for ultimate good.