Is He Enough?
December 26, 2021
2 Peter 1:2-3
Has God given us the resources to deal with the issues of life?
The Gift Exchange
December 19, 2021
Series: The Gift
Various passages
"This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." John 17:3
The Gift Wrapped
December 5, 2021
Series: The Gift (Christmas Series)
Hebrews 2:9-18
Why did God choose to wrap Deity in humility and humanity?
The Gift Promised
November 28, 2021
Series: The Gift (Christmas Series)
Big Idea: Jesus is the promised Messiah who meets our deepest needs.
The Divine Purposes for Our Pressures
November 21, 2021
James 1:1-12
What do we do when we feel ambushed by life? Why does God give us certain trials?
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
November 14, 2021
Series: The Greatest Prayer Ever Offered
John 17:20–26
How can we have unity that proclaims the gospel of Christ to a watching world?
Praying for Keeps
November 7, 2021
Series: The Greatest Prayer Ever Offered
John 17:6–19
Big Idea: Jesus prays for his own to be kept by their Father in a hostile world.
Timing Is Everything
October 31, 2021
Series: The Greatest Prayer Ever Offered
John 17:1-5
Are you bringing glory to God by accomplishing the work He has for you?
Jesus Is the Only Source of Real Peace
October 24, 2021
Series: Last Words
John 16:25–33
Do you feel destroyed by the storms of life?