Previous recordings of full Sunday services. The most recent services are below, but you may also search for specific sermons not shown here. Search by speaker, title, verse. You may also visit our YouTube Channel for access to both 9am & 11am services and special events, such as Good Friday and Christmas Eve! 

Conversations Create Movements

Pastor Paul Crandell

June 14, 2020

Series: The Sent Ones
Passages: John 1:35-42, Matthew 16:18-19, Matthew 18:18-20


Only Christ Can Make Our Moral Dreams a Reality

Pastor Paul Crandell

June 7, 2020

Series: The Sent Ones
Passages: John 1:29-34, Ezekiel 36:25-27


The Greatest Thing About Us Is Not Us

Pastor Matthew Nicosia

May 31, 2020

Series: The Sent Ones
John 1:19-28


Belief Is Born

Pastor Paul Crandell

May 24, 2020

Series: The Sent Ones
John 1:6-18, Mark 9:24


Darkness Hides, But Jesus Revives

Pastor Paul Crandell

May 17, 2020

Series: The Sent Ones
John 3:19-20, 1:1-2, 18, 20:28, 1:3-5, Gen. 1:1-3, 11, 20-21, 24, 26


We Cant Make It, But He Can Re-Make Us

Pastor Paul Crandell

May 10, 2020

Matthew 4:18-25, 10:1-2


The Self-Righteous Are Just As Lost As Sinners

Pastor Paul Crandell

May 3, 2020

Series: Our Story: This Is Just the Beginning
Big Idea: The self-righteous are just as lost as sinners.

Luke 15:1-2, 18:9-14, 15:6-7, 9-10, 25-32



Grace Runs at a Scandalous Pace

Pastor Paul Crandell

April 26, 2020

Series: Our Story: This Is Just the Beginning
Big Idea: Grace runs at a scandalous pace.

Luke 15:1-2, 4-5, 8, 20-24


We Are the Damsel and the Dragon

Pastor Paul Crandell

April 19, 2020

Series: Our Story: This Is Just the Beginning
Big Idea: We are the damsel and the dragon.

Luke 15:1-2, 4a, 8a; Ephesians 2:1-2; Luke 15:11-20a; and Ephesians 2:3


Easter Service

Pastor Paul Crandell

April 12, 2020

Easter: The Greatest Day No One Expected

Big Idea: Doubters become believers, when the dead become alive.
